One of the most complete and efficient pharmacotherapy solutions for healthcare facilities. Enables the doctor to prescribe and the nurse to administer drugs in full safety, with a preference for those in stock in the pharmacy, reducing clinical error and the waste of drugs, thus building a pathway that is compliant with the criteria of the “right pharmacotherapy process".

H2O Pharmacotherapy manages all fundamental aspects of the drug cycle in an integrated way:
  • clinical and therapeutic aspects: therapies are traced and supported by an evolved system that communicates with doctors and nurses (e.g. Integration of drugs, reporting of adverse events, ...), guaranteeing safer prescription and administration;
  • logistics and supply issues: drug consumption and handling are traced to ensure efficient supply, the monitoring and managing of restocks.

In this phase, H20 Pharmacotherapy enables the doctor and nurse to manage all actions for reconstructing the patient’s pharmacotherapeutic history, thus reducing the risk of errors and any adverse events, while also increasing the quality and coherence of clinical pathways.

Advantages for the doctor: guarantee continuity and coherence of treatment pathways; virtuous management of the pharmacological process and medical resources.

Advantages for Health Direction: reduces clinical risk and encourages the optimised management of resources, thus tackling the waste of drugs; facilitates the reduction of repeat hospitalisations and Casualty admissions, with improved drug management (especially for polytherapy).

  • Recognition
  • Reconciliation 
  • Communication
  • Alerts and interactions 

The prescription process benefits enormously from integration with the pharmaceuticals and parapharmaceuticals data base, constantly updated with Farmadati information and pharmacological studies by the Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research, Milan on interaction between drugs and active ingredients, indispensable for the correct and clear management of prescription flow and administration.

The prescriptive flow supported by H2O is fully computerised, which enables healthcare operators and direction to trace the patient’s pharmacological pathway, thus making it safer. Information on treatments is shared with all professionals involved in the process: specialists, nurses, hospital pharmacists, administrative department.

Advantages for the doctor: Prescribe appropriate drugs and therapies, accurately manage the hospital formulary and therapeutic equivalents; foresee certain adverse events (reporting of pharmacological interactions, …); carry out an accurate analysis of the drug’s interaction for groups most at risk (the elderly, polytherapy, etc.).

Advantages for the nurse: receive clear and safe prescriptions to proceed with administrations.

Advantages for the pharmacist: informed of requested drugs in real time and therefore able to order according to expected times; set motivated requests, necessary for the prescription of certain medicines, even extra-formulary ones.

  • Reconciliation import
  • Prescriptions according to type and framework (periodicity, continuous, as needed, single, weekly, parameter-based, etc.)
  • Pharmacological protocols
  • Equivalency groups
  • Validation of therapies
  • Single therapy chart 
  • Criteria of prescriptive appropriateness and interactions (START&STOP, Therapy Duplication, high risk drugs, ....)
  • Allergies alert 

The solution also manages the therapy preparation step, thanks to functionalities that ensure the secure tracing of the set-up process, starting from a label that is generated by the system, with a QR or bar code.

Advantages for the nurse: safe management of the preparation process, direct administration at patient’s bedside.

  • Infusion therapies 
  • Unit dose for assisted care living

With H20 Pharmacotherapy the administration process is safe, simple, can be delivered in different ways and is supported by a system of instructions and suggestions that simplify the operator’s job. Administration can also be traced from mobile devices (tablets and palmtops), enabling correct patient and drug identification, thanks to automatic recognition systems, like the bar code bracelet or RFID tag.

Advantages for the pharmacist: correct identification of patient and medicine to be administered; administer clear and legible medicines; trace the management of therapies; prepare the cart for administrations, with immediate visibility of all that is needed.

  • Patient administrations summary 
  • Univocal identification of patient and drug
  • Notifications and notes
  • Allergies alert, sharing of antibiotic active ingredient and expiry 

H20 Pharmacotherapy also includes prescription and functions for the planning of different activities, which are all customisable and help keep all actions ancillary to prescription under control. These also include report activities.

Advantages for the pharmacist: streamline procedures and improve daily operations, leaving more time for patients; optimise ward logistics (consumption forecasts, supply requests, …).

  • Prescription of actions for the single patient
  • Prescription of actions for the patient linked to clinical parameters
  • Prescription of actions for the patient linked to prescriptions 
  • Planning of actions (periodic, single, standard)
  • Final outcomes

H2O Pharmacotherapy also responds to the therapeutic requirements of oncological patients, guaranteeing the complete and safe management of antiblastic drugs in all phases, from the configuration of oncological protocols, to administering the drug.

A specific module manages the prescription flow, of the drug in antiblastic chemotherapy/antiblastic drug units and the administration of bags, ensuring:

  • correct assignment of preparations to patients
  • accurate control of consumptions
  • Configuration of oncological protocols
  • Dual validation doctor/pharmacist
  • Prescription for protocols
  • Validation of prescription 
  • Set-up and validation of Pharmacist
  • Preparation of bags in Antiblastic Chemotherapy Units

Discover all the advantagesof Pharmacotherapy